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4 result(s) search for keyword(s) 'Aromatherapy.Anxiety.Hospital nurse.' 

The effect of aromatherapy on anxiety experienced / Donaldson, Jill in MEDSURG, Vol.26 No.3 (May-Jun) 2017 ([07/20/2017])
Title : The effect of aromatherapy on anxiety experienced : by hospital nurses Material Type: printed text Authors: Donaldson, Jill, Author ; Ingrao, Cynthia, Author ; Drake Diane, Author ; Ocampo, Emilou, Author Publication Date: 2017 Article on page: p.201-206 Languages : English (eng)
in MEDSURG > Vol.26 No.3 (May-Jun) 2017 [07/20/2017] . - p.201-206Keywords: Aromatherapy.Anxiety.Hospital nurse. Abstract: Environmental stress management for hospital nurse is a complex and dynamic challenge that cad affect professional practice, emplyee wellness, teamwork effectiveness and patient safety occupational exposure to aromatherapy was assoiciated with a decrease in hospital nurse anxiety. Link for e-copy: Record link: [article] The effect of aromatherapy on anxiety experienced : by hospital nurses [printed text] / Donaldson, Jill, Author ; Ingrao, Cynthia, Author ; Drake Diane, Author ; Ocampo, Emilou, Author . - 2017 . - p.201-206.
Languages : English (eng)
in MEDSURG > Vol.26 No.3 (May-Jun) 2017 [07/20/2017] . - p.201-206Keywords: Aromatherapy.Anxiety.Hospital nurse. Abstract: Environmental stress management for hospital nurse is a complex and dynamic challenge that cad affect professional practice, emplyee wellness, teamwork effectiveness and patient safety occupational exposure to aromatherapy was assoiciated with a decrease in hospital nurse anxiety. Link for e-copy: Record link: Implementation of a recovery-oriented training program for psychiatric nurses in inpatient setting / Vering, Peter M. in Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol.30 No.6 (Dec) 2016 ([01/23/2017])
Title : Implementation of a recovery-oriented training program for psychiatric nurses in inpatient setting : a mixed-methods hospital quality inprovement study Material Type: printed text Authors: Vering, Peter M., Author ; Lowe, John, Author Publication Date: 2017 Article on page: p.722-728 Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Archives of Psychiatric Nursing > Vol.30 No.6 (Dec) 2016 [01/23/2017] . - p.722-728Keywords: Training program for psychiatric.Nurse in the inpatient.Hospital quality improvements study. Link for e-copy: Record link: [article] Implementation of a recovery-oriented training program for psychiatric nurses in inpatient setting : a mixed-methods hospital quality inprovement study [printed text] / Vering, Peter M., Author ; Lowe, John, Author . - 2017 . - p.722-728.
Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)Observations of oral hygiene care interventions provided / Coker, Esther in Geriatric Nursing, Vol.38 No.6 (์Nov-Dec) 2017 ([03/05/2018])
Title : Observations of oral hygiene care interventions provided : by nurses to hospitalized older people Material Type: printed text Authors: Coker, Esther, Author ; Ploeg, Jenny, Author ; Kaasalainen, Sharon, Author ; Carter, Nancy, Author Publication Date: 2018 Article on page: p.17-21 Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Geriatric Nursing > Vol.38 No.6 (์Nov-Dec) 2017 [03/05/2018] . - p.17-21Keywords: Oral hygiene interventions, Nurses, Hospital, Observation, Case study Abstract: Dependent older hospitalized patients rely on nurses to assist them with the removal of plaque from their teeth, dentures, and oral cavities. Oral care interventions by 25 nurses on post-acute units, where patients have longer hospital stays, were observed during evening care. In addition to efforts to engage patients in oral care, nurses provided the following interventions: (a) supporting the care of persons with dentures; (b) supporting the care of natural teeth; (c) cleansing the tongue and oral cavity; and (d) moisturizing lips and oral tissues. Patients' oral hygiene care was supported in just over one-third of encounters. Denture care was inconsistently performed, and was infrequently followed by care of the oral cavity. Nurses did not encourage adequate self-care of natural teeth by patients, and infrequently moisturized tissues. Evidence-based oral hygiene care standards are required to assist nurses to support patients in achieving optimal oral hygiene outcomes. Link for e-copy: Record link: [article] Observations of oral hygiene care interventions provided : by nurses to hospitalized older people [printed text] / Coker, Esther, Author ; Ploeg, Jenny, Author ; Kaasalainen, Sharon, Author ; Carter, Nancy, Author . - 2018 . - p.17-21.
Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Geriatric Nursing > Vol.38 No.6 (์Nov-Dec) 2017 [03/05/2018] . - p.17-21Keywords: Oral hygiene interventions, Nurses, Hospital, Observation, Case study Abstract: Dependent older hospitalized patients rely on nurses to assist them with the removal of plaque from their teeth, dentures, and oral cavities. Oral care interventions by 25 nurses on post-acute units, where patients have longer hospital stays, were observed during evening care. In addition to efforts to engage patients in oral care, nurses provided the following interventions: (a) supporting the care of persons with dentures; (b) supporting the care of natural teeth; (c) cleansing the tongue and oral cavity; and (d) moisturizing lips and oral tissues. Patients' oral hygiene care was supported in just over one-third of encounters. Denture care was inconsistently performed, and was infrequently followed by care of the oral cavity. Nurses did not encourage adequate self-care of natural teeth by patients, and infrequently moisturized tissues. Evidence-based oral hygiene care standards are required to assist nurses to support patients in achieving optimal oral hygiene outcomes. Link for e-copy: Record link: Suicide Risk, Meaning in Life, and Need for Life Respect in Adults and Elderly Among Public Hospital Outpatients in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Survey / Kyung-Ah, kang in Journal of Community Health Nursing, Vol.34 No.1 (Jan-Mar) 2017 ([03/21/2018])
Title : Suicide Risk, Meaning in Life, and Need for Life Respect in Adults and Elderly Among Public Hospital Outpatients in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Survey Material Type: printed text Authors: Kyung-Ah, kang, Author ; Kin, Shin-Jeong, Author ; Ellis, Hyon Kim, Author Publication Date: 2018 Article on page: p.46-61 Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Journal of Community Health Nursing > Vol.34 No.1 (Jan-Mar) 2017 [03/21/2018] . - p.46-61Keywords: Community health. hospitals. nurses. public. suicide. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in suicide risk, meaning in life, and need for life respect among three age groups (young adults, the middle aged, and the elderly) of 540 public hospital outpatients in South Korea. This was a cross-sectional study. Among these 3 age groups, we observed significant differences in suicide risk, meaning in life, and need for life respect according to education level, marital status, living arrangements, type of disease, gender, and monthly income. These findings might contribute to the prevention of suicide in the future and the implementation of better community-based nursing care. Link for e-copy: Record link: [article] Suicide Risk, Meaning in Life, and Need for Life Respect in Adults and Elderly Among Public Hospital Outpatients in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Survey [printed text] / Kyung-Ah, kang, Author ; Kin, Shin-Jeong, Author ; Ellis, Hyon Kim, Author . - 2018 . - p.46-61.
Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Journal of Community Health Nursing > Vol.34 No.1 (Jan-Mar) 2017 [03/21/2018] . - p.46-61Keywords: Community health. hospitals. nurses. public. suicide. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in suicide risk, meaning in life, and need for life respect among three age groups (young adults, the middle aged, and the elderly) of 540 public hospital outpatients in South Korea. This was a cross-sectional study. Among these 3 age groups, we observed significant differences in suicide risk, meaning in life, and need for life respect according to education level, marital status, living arrangements, type of disease, gender, and monthly income. These findings might contribute to the prevention of suicide in the future and the implementation of better community-based nursing care. Link for e-copy: Record link: