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Author Elizabeth McCay,
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Toward treatment integerity developing an approach to measure treatment integrity of a / McCay, Elizabeth in Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol.30 No.5 (Oct) 2015 ([12/20/2016])
Title : Toward treatment integerity developing an approach to measure treatment integrity of a : dialectical behavior therapy intervention with homeless youth in the community Material Type: printed text Authors: McCay, Elizabeth ; Carter, Celina ; Aiello, Andria Publication Date: 2016 Article on page: p.568-574 Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)
in Archives of Psychiatric Nursing > Vol.30 No.5 (Oct) 2015 [12/20/2016] . - p.568-574Keywords: behavior therapy intervention.homeless youth.treatment integrity.dialectical behavior. Link for e-copy: Record link: [article] Toward treatment integerity developing an approach to measure treatment integrity of a : dialectical behavior therapy intervention with homeless youth in the community [printed text] / McCay, Elizabeth ; Carter, Celina ; Aiello, Andria . - 2016 . - p.568-574.
Languages : English (eng) Original Language : English (eng)