[article] Title : | Self-Management Support Needs of Patients with Chronic Diseases in a South African Township: A Qualitative Study | Material Type: | printed text | Authors: | Dube, Loveness, Author ; Rendall-Mkosi, Kirstie, Author ; Van den Broucke, Stephan, Author | Publication Date: | 2018 | Article on page: | p.21-31 | Languages : | English (eng) Original Language : English (eng) | in Journal of Community Health Nursing > Vol.34 No.1 (Jan-Mar) 2017 [03/21/2018] . - p.21-31Keywords: | Chronic diseases. self-management support. patient needs and challenges. community health nursing. South Africa. | Abstract: | Despite the need for chronic disease self-management strategies in developing countries, few studies have aimed to contextually adapt programs; yet culture has a direct impact on the way people view themselves and their environment. This study aimed to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and self-management needs and practices of patients with chronic diseases. Four patient focus groups (n = 32), 2 patient interviews, group observations, and key informant interviews (n = 12) were conducted. Five themes emerged: health-system and service-provision challenges, healthcare provider attitudes and behavior, adherence challenges related to medication and lifestyle changes, patients’ personal and clinic experiences and self-management tool preferences. The findings provide a window of opportunity for the development of contextually adapted self-management programs for community health nursing in developing countries. | Link for e-copy: | http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hchn20/current#.VDO0sGeSzr4 | Record link: | http://libsearch.siu.ac.th/siu/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=27576 |
[article] Self-Management Support Needs of Patients with Chronic Diseases in a South African Township: A Qualitative Study [printed text] / Dube, Loveness, Author ; Rendall-Mkosi, Kirstie, Author ; Van den Broucke, Stephan, Author . - 2018 . - p.21-31. Languages : English ( eng) Original Language : English ( eng) | ![](http://www.tandfonline.com/na101/home/literatum/publisher/tandf/journals/content/hchn20/2014/hchn20.v031.i03/hchn20.v031.i03/20140722-01/hchn20.v031.i03.cover.jpg) |