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Author Martin Schoch
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Experimenting with building footprint formation and volume optimization / Schoch Martin / eCAADe - 2010
Title : Experimenting with building footprint formation and volume optimization : a constraint programming approach for the optimization of building-volumes based on combinatorial rectangular footprint formations Material Type: printed text Authors: Schoch Martin ; Apichat Praditsmanont ; Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe Publisher: eCAADe Publication Date: 2010 Pagination: 9 p. Layout: ill. Size: 30 cm General note: Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, September 15-18, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland Keywords: Decision Support. Design Optimization. Building-volume Design. Life Cycle Costs. Constraint-based Design. Abstract: This paper is focusing on integrating footprint formations of buildingvolumes into an existing research of building-volume optimization (BVO). While earlier BVO experiments concentrated on single rectangular floor-area units per floor, the current BVO model allows footprint assemblies of combinatorial rectangular floor-area units per floor. The aspect of using these combinatorial floor assemblies is to provide more flexibility into the shaping of possible building-volumes and thus a more realistic approach to building-volume design. The investigation regarding combinatorial floor-area units concentrated on running time in reference to amount of allowable unit combinations per floor and the ability to provide close to optimal solutions through additional search runs. Results of the experiments documented a sharp increase of running time due to the additional allocation of floor-area units, while the BVO model was improved through the ability to generate combinatory footprint formation and offer close to optimal solutions. Record link: Experimenting with building footprint formation and volume optimization : a constraint programming approach for the optimization of building-volumes based on combinatorial rectangular footprint formations [printed text] / Schoch Martin ; Apichat Praditsmanont ; Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe . - Switzerland : eCAADe, 2010 . - 9 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, September 15-18, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Decision Support. Design Optimization. Building-volume Design. Life Cycle Costs. Constraint-based Design. Abstract: This paper is focusing on integrating footprint formations of buildingvolumes into an existing research of building-volume optimization (BVO). While earlier BVO experiments concentrated on single rectangular floor-area units per floor, the current BVO model allows footprint assemblies of combinatorial rectangular floor-area units per floor. The aspect of using these combinatorial floor assemblies is to provide more flexibility into the shaping of possible building-volumes and thus a more realistic approach to building-volume design. The investigation regarding combinatorial floor-area units concentrated on running time in reference to amount of allowable unit combinations per floor and the ability to provide close to optimal solutions through additional search runs. Results of the experiments documented a sharp increase of running time due to the additional allocation of floor-area units, while the BVO model was improved through the ability to generate combinatory footprint formation and offer close to optimal solutions. Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000261519 REP615 2010c.1 Reprinted Graduate Library Reprint Shelf Available 32002000261527 REP615 2010 c.2 c.1 Reprinted Main Library Reprint Shelf Available