[article] The development of nursing presence as theory of nursing [printed text] /
Nebres, Almira P, Author . - 2017 . - p.13-28.
Languages : English (
Original Language : Thai (
in วารสารการพยาบาลและสุขภาพ > Vol.10 No.3 (Sep-Dec) 2016 [03/24/2017] . - p.13-28Keywords: | Nurse caring behavior.Nursing theory.Theory synthesis. |
Abstract: | This paper is a report of the development of nursing presence as theory of nursing.
Method. The nursing literature was searched using the cumulative and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and MEDLINE database using the keywords nursing presence. nursing care and presence and nurse-caring behavior. The reference lists of the sources were scrutinized. Eight reviews had contents pertinents to nursing presence and live describe the theory systhesis was used in the development of nursing presence as theory of nursing.
Finding A conceptual model framework of nusing practice was developed to elucide nurse antecedents of personal characteristics and professional maturity that arise from the acquisition of education practice and experience in nursing situations promoted by a conductive practice environment.
Nursing presence involves a nurse-patient interaction nurtured by trust respect competence confidence compassion and committment. Presence is a nurse caring behavior that is believed to enhance mental well-being physical well-being social well-being and spiritual well-being among patients.
Conclusion The result of this theory development provides a better understanding of nursing presence as an important nursing intervention and offers insight into holistic approach in patient care. Further study is recommendation to explicate the proposed conceptual model/framework in various nursing practice situations. |
Curricular : | BNS |
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