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SIU IS. Impact of Macro Economic Indicators on the Sharemarket Performace of NEPSE / Prasun Shrestha / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Impact of Macro Economic Indicators on the Sharemarket Performace of NEPSE Material Type: printed text Authors: Prasun Shrestha, Author ; Opas Piansoongnern, Associated Name ; Samir Sharma, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: viii, 74 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N50
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Gross domestic product
[LCSH]MacroeconomicsKeywords: NEPSE Index, Inflation, Interest rate, Gross Domestic Product, Gold Price, Remittance, Correlation and Regression Abstract: The study examines the impact of macroeconomic variables on the share market of Nepal. Share market performance is indicated by the NEPSE Index which is a dependent variable whereas Inflation, Interest rate, Gross Domestic Product, Remittance and Gold Price is independent variable. The Data were collected by Economic Bulletin published by Nepal Rastra Bank and employees from Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealer’s Association, World Bank and Ministry of Finance. Descriptive Statistics, Linear Regression Model and Correlation is used for analysis in this study. The Linear Regressoin model is used to estimate the impact of Macroeconomic variables on NEPSE Index..
The study consists of 22 years of data with study period from 1994/95 to 2015/16. The study found that there exist positive significant relationship between Inflation and Remittace with NESPE Index whereas Gold Price and interest rate had negative and significant relationship with NEPSE. GDP has insignificant positive relationship with NEPSE Index.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Impact of Macro Economic Indicators on the Sharemarket Performace of NEPSE [printed text] / Prasun Shrestha, Author ; Opas Piansoongnern, Associated Name ; Samir Sharma, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - viii, 74 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N50
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Gross domestic product
[LCSH]MacroeconomicsKeywords: NEPSE Index, Inflation, Interest rate, Gross Domestic Product, Gold Price, Remittance, Correlation and Regression Abstract: The study examines the impact of macroeconomic variables on the share market of Nepal. Share market performance is indicated by the NEPSE Index which is a dependent variable whereas Inflation, Interest rate, Gross Domestic Product, Remittance and Gold Price is independent variable. The Data were collected by Economic Bulletin published by Nepal Rastra Bank and employees from Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealer’s Association, World Bank and Ministry of Finance. Descriptive Statistics, Linear Regression Model and Correlation is used for analysis in this study. The Linear Regressoin model is used to estimate the impact of Macroeconomic variables on NEPSE Index..
The study consists of 22 years of data with study period from 1994/95 to 2015/16. The study found that there exist positive significant relationship between Inflation and Remittace with NESPE Index whereas Gold Price and interest rate had negative and significant relationship with NEPSE. GDP has insignificant positive relationship with NEPSE Index.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000596211 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N50 c.2 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available 32002000596229 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N50 c.1 SIU Independent Study Main Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Impact of Monetary Policy of Nepal in Controlling Inflation / Tul Prasad Timilsina / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Impact of Monetary Policy of Nepal in Controlling Inflation Material Type: printed text Authors: Tul Prasad Timilsina, Author ; Virachai Vongbunsin, Associated Name ; Niranjan Phuyal, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: vii, 49 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N13
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Inflation
[LCSH]Monetary Policy -- NepalKeywords: inflation,
economic growth,
inflation target,
Monetary Policy,
rate, GDP growth rate.Abstract: This study discusses impact of monetary policy in controlling inflation in Nepal and reviews theories on the inflation. The study examines the inflation of Nepal of 31 years from 1984 to 2014 AD from IMF, ADB and Nepal Rastra Bank. The broad objective is to identify the impact of monetary policy of Nepal in controlling inflation. It makes an important contribution to the literature by evaluating the magnitude and direction of the impact of broad money supply, exchange rate, oil price and of Nepal. The framework for analysis involves the relation of dependent variable inflation with independent variable i.e. money supply, exchange rate.
The study employed the descriptive, correlation and regression analysis with the ANOVA table which confirm the significant function of dependent and independent variable. There was also a strong correlation between inflation and money supply. The null hypothesis was Accepted indicating that there is a relationship between money supply and inflation, exchange rate and inflation, and inflation and oil price and inflation which is the case as empirical evidence does suggest so. A theoretically expected positive long run relationship was empirically confirmed between inflation and money supply.
The result of the analysis shows that money supply and exchange rate, and oil price bear to the leading monetary instrument that can be employed to combat inflation in Nepal. It becomes clear that monetary policy impact is crucial to control inflation in Nepal.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Impact of Monetary Policy of Nepal in Controlling Inflation [printed text] / Tul Prasad Timilsina, Author ; Virachai Vongbunsin, Associated Name ; Niranjan Phuyal, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - vii, 49 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N13
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Inflation
[LCSH]Monetary Policy -- NepalKeywords: inflation,
economic growth,
inflation target,
Monetary Policy,
rate, GDP growth rate.Abstract: This study discusses impact of monetary policy in controlling inflation in Nepal and reviews theories on the inflation. The study examines the inflation of Nepal of 31 years from 1984 to 2014 AD from IMF, ADB and Nepal Rastra Bank. The broad objective is to identify the impact of monetary policy of Nepal in controlling inflation. It makes an important contribution to the literature by evaluating the magnitude and direction of the impact of broad money supply, exchange rate, oil price and of Nepal. The framework for analysis involves the relation of dependent variable inflation with independent variable i.e. money supply, exchange rate.
The study employed the descriptive, correlation and regression analysis with the ANOVA table which confirm the significant function of dependent and independent variable. There was also a strong correlation between inflation and money supply. The null hypothesis was Accepted indicating that there is a relationship between money supply and inflation, exchange rate and inflation, and inflation and oil price and inflation which is the case as empirical evidence does suggest so. A theoretically expected positive long run relationship was empirically confirmed between inflation and money supply.
The result of the analysis shows that money supply and exchange rate, and oil price bear to the leading monetary instrument that can be employed to combat inflation in Nepal. It becomes clear that monetary policy impact is crucial to control inflation in Nepal.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595544 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N13 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU Thesis. Macroeconomic Factors and Their Influences on Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Nepal / Ayush Sharma / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2018
Collection Title: SIU Thesis Title : Macroeconomic Factors and Their Influences on Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Ayush Sharma, Author ; Wilaiporn Laohakosol, Associated Name ; Arhan Sthapit, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2018 Pagination: vii, 82 p. Layout: Tables, ill Size: 30 ซม. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU THE: SOM-MBA-2018-N01
THE [MS.[MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2018Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Inflation
[LCSH]Interest ratesKeywords: Initial Public Offering (IPO), Real Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, Interest rate, Stock Market Index, Remittance, Correlation and Multiple Regressions Abstract: The study examines the impact of macroeconomic variables on the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Nepal during the period from 1993/94 to 2015/16. Applying the correlation and the multiple regressions, the study finds that among the multiple independent macroeconomic variables taken for analysis: real gross domestic product, inflation, interest rate, stock market index and remittance, only interest rate, stock market index and remittance affected the dependent variable IPO, which was proxy by Number of IPOs, Total IPO Proceeds raised, Average IPO Proceeds raised. Stock market index and remittance have a statistically significant positive relationship with the dependent variables IPO and all of its proxies. The Interest rate, on the other hand, has a negative statistically significant relationship with the dependent variables IPO and all of its proxies. The results show that the interest rate has a negative impact on the frequency of the IPO floatation and the IPO proceeds floated by firms, in the primary market. A growing secondary stock market activity, higher inflow of remittance in the economy and a falling interest rate in the market, influences more number of firms to go public with high issue amount. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU Thesis. Macroeconomic Factors and Their Influences on Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Nepal [printed text] / Ayush Sharma, Author ; Wilaiporn Laohakosol, Associated Name ; Arhan Sthapit, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2018 . - vii, 82 p. : Tables, ill ; 30 ซม.
THE [MS.[MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2018
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Inflation
[LCSH]Interest ratesKeywords: Initial Public Offering (IPO), Real Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, Interest rate, Stock Market Index, Remittance, Correlation and Multiple Regressions Abstract: The study examines the impact of macroeconomic variables on the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Nepal during the period from 1993/94 to 2015/16. Applying the correlation and the multiple regressions, the study finds that among the multiple independent macroeconomic variables taken for analysis: real gross domestic product, inflation, interest rate, stock market index and remittance, only interest rate, stock market index and remittance affected the dependent variable IPO, which was proxy by Number of IPOs, Total IPO Proceeds raised, Average IPO Proceeds raised. Stock market index and remittance have a statistically significant positive relationship with the dependent variables IPO and all of its proxies. The Interest rate, on the other hand, has a negative statistically significant relationship with the dependent variables IPO and all of its proxies. The results show that the interest rate has a negative impact on the frequency of the IPO floatation and the IPO proceeds floated by firms, in the primary market. A growing secondary stock market activity, higher inflow of remittance in the economy and a falling interest rate in the market, influences more number of firms to go public with high issue amount. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000597979 SIU THE: SOM-MBA-2018-N01 c.1 SIU Thesis and Dissertation Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available 32002000597987 SIU THE: SOM-MBA-2018-N01 c.2 SIU Thesis and Dissertation Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available